Minimal Invasive Ent Surgery

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Minimal Invasive Ent Surgery

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Some ENT problems require surgical intervention. The good news is that minimally invasive surgical options can have significant benefits for patients, including a shorter surgery with a faster recovery, less post-operative pain, and few, if any, scars. This procedure is designed to enlarge the opening of the sinuses to improve air circulation. Your physician threads a catheter up through the nasal passages to the sinus opening with no incisions needed. As the balloon at the catheter's tip is inflated, it causes micro-breaks to the paper-thin bones of the sinuses, enlarging the sinuses without disrupting their delicate lining. Coblation technology gently dissolves target tissues, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. Coblation works by delivering ultrasonic waves and low heat to the tissue. This technology can frequently be performed with minimal pain.

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For more details please contact us at +919669110309

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